Penetrating right eye trauma.
Patient Data

The right eye globe appears distorted and irregular with flattening of the anterior chamber compatible with ruptured globe.
There is evidence of right choroidal detachment more obvious on the temporal side, in addition to retinal detachment. Subchroidal and subretinal haemorrhage is noted.
No definite vitreous haemorrhage or lens dislocation.
Right periorbital swelling with tiny dense preseptal focus seen medially suggestive of tiny foreign body.
No orbital fractures. Intact left globe. The optic nerves appear normal. The orbital muscles are symmetrical bilaterally. The retro-bulbar fat is preserved.
Case Discussion
This case represents features of right globe rupture, retinal detachment and choroidal detachment. Retinal detachment can be distinguished from choroidal detachment because the retinal epithelium ends at the ora serrata. Evidently a retinal detachment will not go anterior to this point. In choroidal detachment, recent intraocular surgery is the most common association followed by trauma.