Hypertrophic olivary degeneration

Case contributed by Bruno Di Muzio , 20 Jul 2015
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Bruno Di Muzio, 20 Jul 2015

Updates to Case Attributes

Status changed from draft to published (unlisted).
Visibility changed from public to unlisted.
Published At was set to .
Body was added:

Hypertrophic olivary degeneration is a rare condition characterised by unique pattern of trans-synaptic degeneration. It is caused by a lesion in the triangle of Guillain and Mollaret, resulting in hypertrophy of the inferior olivary nucleus. In this case the previous haemorrhagic lesion in the right dentate nucleus caused the interruption that led to hypertrophic olivary degeneration.  

  • +<p><a title="Hypertrophic olivary degeneration (HOD)" href="/articles/hypertrophic-olivary-degeneration">Hypertrophic olivary degeneration</a> is a rare condition characterised by unique pattern of trans-synaptic degeneration. It is caused by a lesion in the <a href="/articles/triangle-of-guillain-and-mollaret">triangle of Guillain and Mollaret</a>, resulting in hypertrophy of the <a href="/articles/missing">inferior olivary nucleus</a>. In this case the previous haemorrhagic lesion in the right dentate nucleus caused the interruption that led to hypertrophic olivary degeneration.  </p>
Diagnostic Certainty was set to .

Updates to Quizquestion Attributes

Question was added:
Knowing that this patient had a previous haemorrhagic lesion on the area of the right cerebellar dentate nucleus, what is the most likely diagnosis for the hypersignal on T2/FLAIR at the left anterolateral aspect of the pons?
Answer was added:
Hypertrophic olivary degeneration.

Updates to Quizquestion Attributes

Question was added:
What are the three corners of the triangle of Guillain and Mollaret?
Answer was added:
1) red nucleus 2) inferior olivary nucleus 3) contralateral dentate nucleus

Updates to Quizquestion Attributes

Answer was added:
Interruption of either of the connections between the dentate nucleus and contralateral red nucleus (dentatorubral tract, superior cerebellar peduncle) or the connection between the red nucleus and ipsilateral inferior olivary nucleus (central tegmental tract) leads to changes in the olive.
Question was added:
What is the cause for hypertrophic olivary degeneration?

Updates to Study Attributes

Modality was set to Annotated image.
Findings was added:

Rounded T2/FLAIR hyperintensity in the left inferior pons. This is consistent with hypertrophic olivary degeneration related to a contralateral dentate nucleus lesion.

Images Changes:

Image Annotated image (Axial T2 and FLAIR) ( update )

Perspective was set to Axial T2 and FLAIR.

Image 1 Annotated image (Axial T2 and FLAIR) ( create )

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