Gradually increased pain in the left arm with restriction of movement.
Patient Data

Well-defined lytic lesion of the posterior aspect of the mid-diaphysis of the humerus with destruction of the cortical bone and no periosteal reaction. Narrow zone of transition.
No pathological fracture.

There is a 25 x 30 x 50 mm avid enhancing soft tissue mass lesion that has destroyed the humeral middle third posterior cortex with bidirectional extension into the marrow space and triceps muscles belly.
Another similar enhancing soft tissue mass lesion measuring about 15 x 25 mm within the deltoid muscle fibers just above the insertion site on the humeral shaft.

Microscopic examination and IHC results were compatible with schwannoma.
Case Discussion
Intraosseous schwannoma is exceedingly rare and less than 200 cases have been reported formerly in the world literature.