2 weeks of jaundice and itching. US reveals intrahepatic biliary radicle dilatation
Patient Data

There is marked dilatation of the intrahepatic biliary radicles, right and left hepatic ducts and proximal common hepatic ducts till a short segment tight stricture is noted. There is abrupt tapering at the stricture site. A note is made of right basal lung nodule.

The red arrow refers to the abrupt tapered end of the common hepatic duct at the stricture site. The stricture is distal to the confluence
Case Discussion
Hilar cholangiocarcinoma is the commonest type of cholangiocarcinoma which affect the extrahepatic biliary radicles. Diagnosis is made by MRCP and ERCP by their radiological features. Tumor invasion of both hepatic ducts, vascular or hepatic parenchymal invasion render it unresectable.