Esophagectomy for esophageal adenocarcinoma - complicated by persistent left chylothorax
Patient Data

Planar imaging acquired 2 hours following intradermal administration of Tc-99m antimony colloid between the toes of the left foot (not shown). Then a delayed SPECT-CT was obtained (shown above).
Abnormal accumulation of radiotracer in the mediastinum, immediately anteromedial to the descending thoracic aorta at the level of the right pulmonary artery. The radiotracer also accumulates in a left pleural loculated chylothorax (lateral to descending thoracic aorta).
Case Discussion
Tc-99m antimony colloid with SPECT/CT can be used to localize the site of a post-operative chyle leak, which can be helpful for surgical planning.
Dr Dee Nandurkar