Trauma, right otorrhagia and tympanic membrane rupture.
Patient Data

Right longitudinal temporal bone fracture. The fracture extends to the anterior wall of the right external auditory bony canal.
Incudomalleolar joint separation.
The otic capsule is spared.
Right hemotympanum.

Right longitudinal temporal bone fracture. The fracture extends to the anterior wall of the right external auditory bony canal. (Red arrows)
Right incudomalleolar joint separation. (Circle) Compare it with the normal left bony ossicles.
The otic capsule is spared.
Right hemotympanum.
Case Discussion
Complications of Longitudinal temporal bone fractures
- facial paralysis in 20% of cases
- may cause conductive hearing loss
- pneumocephalus
- incudostapedal dislocation
- herniation of temporal lobe