Slip down stairs
Patient Data

Alignment of the ankle mortise is disrupted, with lateral talar shift. There is widening of the tibiofibular syndesmosis. No fracture detected.

Lateral talar shift is again demonstrated, with the widened medial aspect of the tibiotalar joint measuring 5.5 mm. There is a minimally displaced oblique fracture through the proximal fibular shaft. The findings are in keeping with a Maisonneuve fracture.

Two syndesmosis screws noted. Alignment is satisfactory. Anterior displacement of the distal fragment of the proximal fibular shaft is slightly more anteriorly displaced than previously.
Case Discussion
Excerpt from the Maisonneuve fracture article:
A Maisonneuve fracture is an unstable fracture typically involving the medial tibial malleolus and/or disruption of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis along with a fracture of the proximal fibula shaft. The deltoid ligaments can be frequently disrupted.