Unable to straighten elbow joint
- Olecranon process
- Epicondylar groove (ulnar groove)
- Medial epicondyle
- Trochlea
- Olecranon fossa
- Lateral epicondyle
- Radial head
AP distal humerus: acute flexion of elbow. CR perpendicular to humerus.
Case Discussion
An example of a normal distal humerus AP acute flexion view, which is also known as tangential view, inferior-to-superior projection, or Jones view.
It is indicated in fractures and moderate dislocations of the elbow in acute flexion; it allows the olecranon, ulnar groove, trochlea, and radial head to be seen. It is also useful for detecting intra-articular loose bodies and degenerative osteophytes in the olecranon-trochlear joint compartment.
To perform this view, the patient is seated alongside the radiographic table with an acutely flexed elbow (unless contraindicated). The central ray is perpendicular to the humerus, approximately 5 cm above the olecranon process.
The following should be clearly shown:
the forearm and humerus should be superimposed
no rotation
olecranon process and distal humerus
soft tissue outside the olecranon process and bony trabecular detail