Recurrent bilateral inguinal pain, mostly on the left side. Clinical image seemed to be that of femoro-acetabular impingement, but now the pain is more localized around the pubic bone and left adductor magnus insertion. Osteitis pubis?
Patient Data

Bone marrow edema in the medial left pubic bone, no edema outside of the bone. No secondary cleft sign.
Normal appearance of tendons and aponeurosis of rectus abdominis-adductor longus.
Normal femoral heads. No inguinal hernia.
Case Discussion
Findings consistent with osteitis pubis.
Osteitis pubis is one of the pathologic entities grouped together as athletic pubalgia, which involves either a musculotendinous or osseous injury of the insertion of the rectus abdominis and the origin of the adductor longus, which come together in an aponeurosis on the pubic bones.