Smooth right peritonsillar mass displacing the tonsil medially. Ultrasound - mass deep to the partoid gland. Cause?
Patient Data

4.8 x 3.8 cm non-enhancing soft tissue mass occupying the right parapharyngeal space displacing the right paratonsillar fossa medially. It is separate from the deep parotid gland. The tonsillar glands are otherwise unremarkable.
The right medial pterygoid muscle is not separately identified from the mass.
A coupl of reactive right submandibular lymph nodes No significant cervical lymphadenopathy.
The visualized parotid and submandibular glands are unremarkable.
Normal thyroid gland.
No osseous destruction.
Case Discussion
Endoscopic biopsy of the peritonsillar mass was undertaken.
Histology: Pleomorphic adenoma
This is likely to have arisen from one of the minor salivary glands and represent less than 1% of all pleomorphic adenomas.