Abdominal pain and offensive vaginal discharge for 3 weeks after cesarian section.
Patient Data

CT study shows bulky sub involuted uterus with an intracavitary collection of heterogeneous density with internal gas bubbles, filling the uterine body, extending to the lower uterine segment and the site of CS scar with a lesser extension to the cervix and vagina.
Blurred pelvic and peri uterine fat planes, more striking anteriorly in between the uterus and anterior abdominal wall
Minimal pelvic free fluid
Mildly swollen lower anterior abdominal wall
Mild blurring of the pelvi-abdominal peritoneal fat planes
Case Discussion
Here is a case of postpartum endometritis with a vaginal discharge that was positive for MRSA organism. The patient received antibiotic treatment that failed. Uterine suction was done later that revealed pus and infected clotted blood.