Rectus abdominus-adductor longus aponeurosis tear - superior cleft sign
A football player presented with acute left groin pain.
Patient Data

Signal changes of the combined left rectus abdominus-adductor longus aponeurosis, anterior to the left superior pubic ramus and symphysis pubis with superior cleft sign.
The left proximal adductor muscle near the pubic bony attachment shows an ill-defined patchy contusion that elicits hyperintensity in T2 and STIR.
Mild bone marrow edema of the pubic bones with associated hypertrophic changes of the symphysis pubis.
Case Discussion
Here is a case of partial avulsion tear of the rectus abdominus-adductor longus aponeurosis with superior cleft sign. This lesion is one of the leading causes of 'athletic pubalgia'