Right shoulder recurrent anterior dislocations.
Patient Data
Age: 50 years
Gender: Male
From the case:
Recurrent anterior shoulder instability


- joint effusion
- anterior labroligamentous periosteal sleeve avulsion (ALPSA) lesion
- posterolateral impression of the humeral head with adjacent bone edema, indicating a Hill-Sacs lesion
- abnormal intrasubstance increased fluid signal along with supraspinatus tendon bursal side fibers related to tendinosis
- subacromion - subdeltoid bursa
- fluid signal around the long head of the biceps tendon due to tenosynovitis
- low lying type I acromion
Case Discussion
Chronic anterior shoulder dislocations with ALPSA and Hill-sacs lesions. Almost all ALPSA lesions happened in the shoulders with chronic dislocations.