Amenorrhea of 5 weeks 3 days. Lower abdominal pain for 1 day.
Patient Data

Minimal fluid in endometrial canal. Free fluid with echoes in pelvis.
Right ovary - a simple cyst and a hemorrhagic partially collapsed cyst.
Left ovary - normal.
No adnexal extra-ovarian lesion noted.

UPT negative. Serum Beta HCG < 2.00 mIU/ml. Following study done after 1 day
Regression in free fluid volume.
Right ovary - a simple cyst and a hemorrhagic cyst.
Case Discussion
Right ovarian partially collapsed hemorrhagic cyst with hemoperitoneum and absence of extra-ovarian lesion favors ruptured corpus luteal cyst.
Negative urine pregnency test and low serum Beta HCG rule out pregnancy.
1 day follow up shows reduction in free fluid and increase the size of the hemorrhagic cyst.