Pain in the left-sided floor of the mouth region for the last few days.
Patient Data

There is an echogenic focus with acoustic shadowing in the distal end of the left submandibular duct; measuring about 4 mm. The left submandibular gland shows enlargement, heterogeneous hypoechogenesity, dilated intraglandular ducts and hypervascularity. There is no parenchymal mass lesion.
The right submandibular gland and superficial lobes of the both parotid glands show a normal echopattern.
The rest of the neck examination was normal.

12 days later presented with history of spontaneous intraoral passage of calculus.
There is an absence of left submandibular duct calculus. However, the changes of left submandibular gland inflammation are still present.
Case Discussion
The case shows submandibular duct sialolithiasis and secondary changes in the submandibular gland.
Follow up study after spontaneous passage of calculus, shows absence of the calculus.