Skull vault hemangioma

Case contributed by Sachin Phakey
Diagnosis almost certain


Non-tender left scalp swelling, developed gradually over the last year.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

Well-demarcated, expansile osseous lesion involving the left parietal bone with linear "sun-ray/sub-burst" internal striation. Intracranial extension moderate, with a component abutting the adjacent left cerebral hemisphere. Nil other intracranial lesion(s).

Case Discussion

Case findings are consistent with skull vault hemangioma (also known as cavalrial hemangioma).


Learning points:

  • skull vault hemangiomas are benign, indolent vascular neoplasms affecting the skull diploë, with frontal and parietal bones commonly implicated
  • CT findings consistent with skull vault hemangioma include:
    • expansile bone lesion with thin borders
    • "sun-ray/burst" pattern of trabecular internal striation radiating from a common center
  • management may involve radiotherapy, surgical resection, and/or embolization

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