Known and operated case of the left breast cancer. BRCA1 mutation carrier.
Patient Data

Increased density and two rounded artefacts in the lower zone of both hemithorax are seen due to bilateral breast implant reconstruction.
An osteoblastic lesion is observed in the T10 vertebral body, suggestive of metastasis.

Post-operative changes are seen, including the left mastectomy and axillary lymphadenectomy due to breast cancer and right prophylactic mastectomy, with bilateral implant reconstruction.
Multiple small ill-defined low-enhancing masses are scattered in the liver, inferring metastases.
In addition, osteoblastic lesions in T10, T12, L2, L3, sacrum, left ischium, right humeral head, and proximal of the right femur suggest metastasis.
Case Discussion
This case demonstrates the left therapeutic mastectomy and the right prophylactic mastectomy with bilateral implant reconstruction in a known patient with left breast cancer that was BRCA1 mutation carrier.
Prophylactic mastectomy reduces the risk of breast cancer by at least 95% in women who have a disease-causing mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes and by up to 90% in women who have a strong family history of breast cancer.