Large left neck lump
Patient Data

A large soft tissue mass is seen involving the left tonsillar fossa. The mass demonstrates an intermediate signal on T1WI's and a high signal on T2WI's with mild homogenous post-contrast enhancement.
The mass measures 3.5 x 2.9 x 2.1 cm in its maximum dimensions.
There are left levels II and III lymphadenopathy where a large lymph node measures 4.8 x 4.1 x 3.2 cm in its dimensions.
There are further enlarged, but smaller lymph nodes within the left level III and level IV region and right level II and right level III region.
There is some hypertrophy of the right tonsil lymphoid tissue and the adenoidal tissue.
Case Discussion
Appearances of the left tonsillar mass and cervical lymphadenopathy are consistent with lymphoma.
Histology report