Transverse petrous temporal bone fracture

Case contributed by Henry Knipe


Tree fell on head. Right ear ?CSF leak.

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Male

Petrous Temporal Bone

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Axial bone
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bone window

Right transverse petrous temporal bone fracture extending from the squamous/ mastoid part to beyond the petrous apex to the right aspect of the basisphenoid. It involves bony walls of the external acoustic canal and medial wall of the tympanic cavity. It also extends to the posterior wall of the mandibular fossa. TMJ is enlocated. Ossicular chain appears congruent. Otic capsule and fallopian canal appear intact. Opacification of the external acoustic canal and tympanic cavity. Partial opacification of mastoid air cells. Small locules of pneumocephalus noted.

Case Discussion

This is an example of a transverse petrous temporal bone fracture. Checking the ossicular chain is important because if this is missed it may have serious consequences for the patient in terms of hearing loss. 

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