Recurrent pain in left side of scrotum. Recent episode for last 3 days. No fever.
Patient Data

Within the left testis, tubular cystic areas are seen near mediastinum of testis (tubular ectasia of the rete testes). There is also an extra-testicular multi-cystic lesion seen abutting head and body of epididymis. Mild hydrocele. The spermatic cord is coiled but shows normal thickness.
Case Discussion
Within the left testis, tubular cystic areas are seen near mediastinum of testis (tubular ectasia of the rete testes). There is also an extra-testicular multi-cystic lesion seen abutting head and body of epididymis. Mild hydrocele. Spermatic cord is coiled but shows normal thickness.
Right testis is normal.
Left extra-testicular lesion - ? spermatocele.