Antenatal scan at 24-25 weeks.
Patient Data

24 - 25 weeks single live intrauterine fetus.
There is a well-defined, thin-walled, rounded anechoic lesion of 5 mm seen in fetal urinary bladder; causing ' bladder in bladder ' appearance. It is on the left side of the bladder. There is no overdistension of the urinary bladder.
Both fetal kidneys are present (craniocaudal length: right kidney 24 mm; left kidney, 26 mm). No obvious duplication or hydronephrosis is seen on either side. Renal arterial flow was seen on color Doppler on both sides.
Case Discussion
24-25 weeks single live intrauterine fetus, with an obvious left-sided ureterocele (5 mm size) without hydronephrosis in the left kidney, giving "bladder in bladder" appearance. This requires monitoring to check the development of left-sided hydronephrosis or bladder outlet obstruction. Follow up ultrasound should be done in antenatal as well as postnatal period (2nd week postnatal).