Right-sided abdominal pain 3-4 days.
Patient Data

Right sided gross hydronephrosis and hydroureter is noted without calculus. Right renal pelvis AP diameter - 37 mm Lobulated anechoic well-defined area is noted posterior to right kidney and around right proximal ureter.
Left sided gross hydronephrosis and hydroureter is noted without calculus. Left renal pelvis measures 85 x 69 x 63 mm.
Prostate is enlarged measuring 48 x 37 x 35 mm - 33 cc volume.
Urinary bladder is distended. No calculus is seen. Multiple pseudodiverticula are noted in bladder wall. Prevoid volume - 345 cc. Post void volume - 330 cc.
Case Discussion
Surgically proven case of right urinoma.