Acute appendicitis


This appearance is in keeping with an inflamed appendix containing an appendicolith.

Inflammation of the appendix is called "appendicitis" and mostly affects children and young adults. The etiology of appendicitis is such that when the lumen of the appendix becomes obstructed, luminal stasis occurs leading to an increase in the intraluminal pressure, inflammation, and possibly perforation and abscess formation. A known culprit in the luminal obstruction of an appendix is the appendicolith 1.

Appendicoliths (also called appendiceal lithiasis / appendiceal coprolith / appendicolithiasis / appendiceal fecalith) are calcified masses found within the lumen of the appendix 2. They have been conjectured to be formed by the layering and entrapment of accumulated fecal particulates and the aggregation of organic mineral salts collected in the appendix lumen which solidifies and calcifies over time 3.

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