Radiotherapy induced leukoencephalopathy and stroke


Germ cell brain tumors are very rare, accounting for less than 5% of all brain tumors in children. This is a case of cured suprasellar germ cell tumor by whole-brain radiotherapy complicated by leukoencephalopathy, radiation angiopathy and further stroke.

Note absolutely symmetric changes (both calcifications and leukoencephalopathy, there are a few published similar cases) even if you do not know the patient's history you can to find a key a priori - it could be post-treatment changes as we see in this case. 

Childhood stroke is another entity, it can be an outcome of paraneoplastic syndrome, chemo- and/or radiotherapy, vast majority of infections, varicella-zoster more frequently including in the context of immunosuppression. We think the cause of stroke in this patient was a post-radiotherapy leukoencephalopathy and angiopathy because chemotherapy was not performed.

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