Cervical spine fractures

Changed by Subhan Iqbal, 29 Jun 2020

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Cervical spine fractures can occur secondary to exaggerated flexion or extension, or because of direct trauma or axial loading.


Males are affected more commonly than females with the median age of injury being 56 years. In the paediatric population, upper cervical injury is more common with morbidity, it has been documented to be up to 18% 8. Falls, motor vehicle collisions, pedestrian accidents, cycling and diving are common causes of injury 6,7.


The cervical spine is susceptible to injury because it is highly mobile with relatively small vertebral bodies and supports the head which is both heavy and acts as a lever. C2 (~30%) and C7 (~20%) are the most commonly fractured levels 7.

There are many types of cervical spine fracture, some of which are unstable; general indicators of instability include:


Associated injuries are present in ~67% of patients 7:


The fulcrum of movement is different in children than adults, C2/3 compared to C5/6, respectively; hence, in children, cervical fractures are more common in upper vertebrae. There are also other anatomical differences of the cervical spine between children and adults which are worth bearing in mind while interpreting paediatric studies. These include more horizontal orientation of the facet joints in children, underdeveloped uncovertebral joints, mild physiological anterior wedging of the vertebral bodies, and incomplete ossification of the odontoid process.


The four major mechanisms are flexion, extension, rotational and shearing, each associated with certain fracture patterns 3,4

  • -<p><strong>Cervical spine fractures</strong> can occur secondary to exaggerated flexion or extension, or because of direct trauma or axial loading.</p><h4>Epidemiology</h4><p>Males are affected more commonly than females with the median age of injury being 56 years. Falls, motor vehicle collisions, pedestrian accidents, cycling and diving are common causes of injury <sup>6,7</sup>.</p><h4>Pathology</h4><p>The <a href="/articles/cervical-spine">cervical spine</a> is susceptible to injury because it is highly mobile with relatively small <a href="/articles/vertebral-bodies">vertebral bodies</a> and supports the head which is both heavy and acts as a lever. C2 (~30%) and C7 (~20%) are the most commonly fractured levels <sup>7</sup>.</p><p>There are many types of cervical spine fracture, some of which are unstable; general indicators of instability include:</p><ul>
  • +<p><strong>Cervical spine fractures</strong> can occur secondary to exaggerated flexion or extension, or because of direct trauma or axial loading.</p><h4>Epidemiology</h4><p>Males are affected more commonly than females with the median age of injury being 56 years. In the paediatric population, upper cervical injury is more common with morbidity, it has been documented to be up to 18%<sup> 8</sup>. Falls, motor vehicle collisions, pedestrian accidents, cycling and diving are common causes of injury <sup>6,7</sup>. </p><h4>Pathology</h4><p>The <a href="/articles/cervical-spine">cervical spine</a> is susceptible to injury because it is highly mobile with relatively small <a href="/articles/vertebral-bodies">vertebral bodies</a> and supports the head which is both heavy and acts as a lever. C2 (~30%) and C7 (~20%) are the most commonly fractured levels <sup>7</sup>.</p><p>There are many types of cervical spine fracture, some of which are unstable; general indicators of instability include:</p><ul>
  • -<li><a href="/articles/base-of-skull-fractures">base of skull fractures</a></li>
  • +<li>the <a href="/articles/base-of-skull-fractures">base of skull fractures</a>
  • +</li>
  • -<li>flexion: most common mechanism<ul>
  • +<li>flexion: most ca common mechanism<ul>
  • -<li>lateral mass C1 fracture</li>
  • +<li>lateral l mass C1 fracture</li>
  • -<a href="/articles/atlanto-occipital-dissociation-injuries">atlanto-occipital dissociation</a> (shearing)</li>
  • +<a href="/articles/atlanto-occipital-dissociation-injuries">atlantatlantooccipitalciation</a> (shearing)</li>

References changed:

  • 8. Poorman GW, Segreto FA, Beaubrun BM, Jalai CM, Horn SR, Bortz CA, Diebo BG, Vira S, Bono OJ, DE LA Garza-Ramos R, Moon JY, Wang C, Hirsch BP, Tishelman JC, Zhou PL, Gerling M, Passias PG. Traumatic Fracture of the Pediatric Cervical Spine: Etiology, Epidemiology, Concurrent Injuries, and an Analysis of Perioperative Outcomes Using the Kids' Inpatient Database. (2019) International journal of spine surgery. 13 (1): 68-78. <a href="https://doi.org/10.14444/6009">doi:10.14444/6009</a> - <a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30805288">Pubmed</a> <span class="ref_v4"></span>

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