Congenital hypothyroidism (CHT), previously known as cretinism, can be of thyroidal or central (hypothalamic/pituitary) origin and can have a widely diverse molecular aetiology.
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Clinical presentation
Most children are asymptomatic at birth and are diagnosed after screening. In untreated congenital hypothyroidism, patients can present with short stature, disproportionately enlarged heads and/or developmental delay / intellectual disability 5.
disorders in development of the thyroid gland
underdevelopment with migration failure (i.e. ectopic thyroid)
underdevelopment with normal migration
certain fetal goitres can also give hypothyroidism 4
disorders in thyroid hormone synthesis
TSH hyporesponsiveness
defects in iodide transport from circulation into the thyroid
celldefects in iodide transport from the thyroid cell to the
follicular lumen, often combined with inner ear deafness (Pendred syndrome)defects in the synthesis of hydrogen peroxide
defects in the oxidation of iodide, iodination and
iodothyronine synthesisdefects in processes involved in the synthesis or degradation of thyroglobulin
detects in iodine recycling
central congenital hypothyroidism
disorders in development and/or function of the
pituitary gland
Radiographic features
Plain radiograph
delayed skeletal maturation
bone age can be assessed by the Greulich & Pyle method with a PA left hand radiograph
bone epiphyses/ossification centres are absent or small
cortical thickening