Coxa valga describes a deformity of the hip where there is an increased angle between the femoral neck and femoral shaft.
On this page:
Coxa valga is often associated with shallow acetabular angles and femoral head subluxation.
neuromuscular disorders, e.g. cerebral palsy
often have concurrent femoral anteversion
skeletal dysplasias, e.g. Turner syndrome, mucopolysaccharidoses
trauma causing growth plate arrest
Radiographic features
Plain radiograph
Coxa valga occurs when the angle formed between the neck of the femur and its shaft (also known as the caput-collum-diaphyseal (CCD) angle or the femoral angle of inclination) is increased beyond >140º. Normal is between 125-135º in adults, but can be 20-25º greater at birth and 10º greater in children. When the angle is <120º, this is considered coxa vara.
Femoral anteversion and rotation can affect measurement accuracy and should be considered when measuring angles.
Treatment and prognosis
Coxa valga can be associated with genu varum and lead to increased stress and early degenerative changes in the medial compartment of the knee.
Coxa valga can be treated with varus derotation osteotomy (VDRO) and angled blade-plate fixation 2.