Eggshell calcification (breast)
Citation, DOI, disclosures and article data
Skandhan A, Niknejad M, Elfeky M, et al. Eggshell calcification (breast). Reference article, (Accessed on 21 Mar 2025)
Article created:
7 Nov 2013,
Avni K P Skandhan
At the time the article was created Avni K P Skandhan had no recorded disclosures.
View Avni K P Skandhan's current disclosures
Last revised:
At the time the article was last revised Mohammad Taghi Niknejad had no financial relationships to ineligible companies to disclose.
View Mohammad Taghi Niknejad's current disclosures
10 times, by
8 contributors -
see full revision history and disclosures
- Egg shell / rim calcification within breast
- Egg shell calcification within breast
- Eggshell calcification within the breast
- Egg shell calcification - breast
- Eggshell calcification - breast
- Egg shell / rim calcification within the breast
Eggshell calcifications in the breast are benign peripheral rim-like calcifications.
They are typically secondary to fat necrosis or calcification of oil cysts.
Radiographic features
thin rim-like calcification (<1 mm in thickness)
lucent centres
small to several centimetres in diameter (oil cyst)
may disappear (fat necrosis)
See also
- 1. Sickles EA. Breast calcifications: mammographic evaluation. Radiology. 1986;160 (2): 289-93. Radiology (abstract) - Pubmed citation
- 2. Kuzmiak CM, Dancel R, Pisano E et-al. Consensus review: A method of assessment of calcifications that appropriately undergo a six-month follow-up. Acad Radiol. 2006;13 (5): 621-9. doi:10.1016/j.acra.2006.01.042 - Pubmed citation
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Related articles: Breast pathology
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- ductal breast carcinoma
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- invasive ductal carcinoma
- lobular breast carcinoma
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- metastases to the breast
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- gamuts
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- mammary fibromatosis
- oil cyst
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- post-traumatic fibrosis
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- pseudogynaecomastia
- tubular adenoma
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- morphology
- distribution
- location
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- artifactual calcification from outside the breast
- suspicious breast calcifications
- infection/inflammation
- vascular lesions
- systemic disease
- gamuts
- classification systems
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- cashew nut sign
- lemon sign
- pear-shaped bladder
- strawberry gallbladder
- strawberry skull
- watermelon skin sign
animal and animal produce inspired
- human
- mammals
- anteater nose sign
- antler sign
- batwing opacities
- bear paw sign
- beaver tail liver
- Brahma bull sign
- buffalo chest
- bull's eye sign (disambiguation)
- bunny waveform sign
- claw sign
- dog ear sign
- dog leg sign
- dromedary hump
- ears of the lynx sign
- eye of tiger sign
- feline oesophagus
- giraffe pattern
- hidebound sign
- ivory phalanx
- ivory vertebra sign
- joint mouse
- leaping dolphin sign
- leopard skin sign
- moose head appearance
- panda sign
- piglet sign
- pleural mouse
- raccoon eyes sign
- rat bite erosions
- rat-tail sign
- Scottie dog sign
- Snoopy sign
- stag's antler sign
- staghorn calculus
- tiger stripe sign
zebra sign (disambiguation)
- zebra sign: (cerebellar haemorrhage)
- zebra spleen: arterial phase (spleen)
- zebra stripe sign (osteogenesis imperfecta)
- amphibians
- birds
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- bird's nest sign (lung)
- crow feet sign
- egg on a string sign
- eggshell calcification (breast)
- eggshell calcification (lymph nodes)
- gooseneck sign (endocardial cushion defect)
- gull wing appearance
- hummingbird sign
- owl eyes sign
- pooping duck sign
- sitting duck appearance
- swallowtail sign
- swan neck deformity
- winking owl sign
- fish and marine life
- reptiles
- arthropods
- micro-organisms
- fictional creatures
food inspired
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- chocolate cyst
- cottage loaf sign
- double Oreo cookie (glenoid labrum)
- doughnut sign (disambiguation)
- hamburger sign (spine)
- head cheese sign (lungs)
- honeycombing (lungs)
- hot cross bun sign (pons)
- ice cream cone sign (middle ear ossicles)
- ice cream cone sign (vestibular schwannoma)
- licked candy stick appearance (bones)
- linguine sign (breast implants)
- macaroni sign
- omental cake
- Oreo cookie (heart)
- pancake organ (disambiguation)
- Polo mint sign
- salad oil sign (breast implants)
- sandwich sign (disambiguation)
- sandwich vertebra
- sausage digit
- spaghetti sign
- Swiss cheese sign
alphabet inspired
- A line (US artifact)
- C sign (MSK)
- delta sign (disambiguation)
- E sign
- H-shaped vertebra
- H sign
- J-shaped sella
- J sign (shoulder)
- L sign (brain)
- lambda sign (disambiguation)
- M sign
- omega epiglottis
- O sign (gastric banding)
- P sign (epiglottis)
- S sign of Golden
- tau sign
- T sign (disambiguation)
- U fibres
- U-figure (pelvis)
- U sign (brain)
- V sign (disambiguation)
- W hernia
- X-marks-the-spot sign
- Y sign (epidural lipomatosis)
- Z deformity
Christmas inspired
- Christmas tree bladder in neurogenic bladder
- holly leaf sign in calcified pleural plaques
- ivy sign in leptomeningeal enhancement
- nutcracker oesophagus in oesophageal dysmotility
- shepherd's crook deformity of the femur in fibrous dysplasia
- snowcap sign in avascular necrosis
- snowman sign (disambiguation)
- snowstorm appearance in complete hydatidiform mole and testicular microlithiasis
- miscellaneous