The elbow series is a set of radiographs taken to investigate elbow joint pathology, often in the context of trauma. It usually comprises an AP and lateral projection, although other non-standard, modified projections are utilised for specific indications.
Elbow x-rays are indicated for a variety of settings including:
bony tenderness
suspected fracture of the proximal radius and ulna
suspected fracture of the distal humerus
radial head dislocations
obvious deformity
detecting joint effusions
Standard projections
demonstrates distal humerus, proximal ulna, and radius
shows both the medial and lateral epicondyles in profile
best demonstrates the ulna-trochlear joint, coronoid process, and the olecranon process
used to assess both the anterior humeral line and the radiocapitellar line
Modified trauma projections
horizontal beam lateral
modified lateral projection that requires little to no patient movement
produces a diagnostic lateral/AP projection without risking patient pain
modified AP projection when the patient cannot straighten the arm
modified elbow projection for patients in acute flexion greater than 90 degrees
Additional projections
an axial projection that focuses on the radial head, used when radial head fractures are suspected
an additional projection often performed to demonstrate the radial head free from superimposition
projection demonstrating the coronoid process in profile