Pancreatic PEComa

Changed by Jeremy Jones, 20 Sep 2021

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Pancreatic perivascular epithelioid cell tumours (or "Pancreatic PEComas") are a subtype of the larger family of PEComas. Pancreatic PEComas are very rare with <20 cases described.

Clinical presentation

More common in adults (in contrast to lymphangiomas in the head and neck, which are more common in children). Account for approximately 1% of abdominal lymphangiomas. More common in women


As their name suggests, these tumours arise from perivascular epithelioid cells and occur due to a genetic alteration in the tuberous sclerosis gene complex. The PEComas are a group of tumours, including

  • clear cell "sugar" tumours
  • angiomyolipoma
  • lymphangiomyomatosis

The cells are periodic acid-Schiff stain (PAS) positive and diastases sensitive. Immunohistochemistry markers include: smooth muscle and melanocytic markers (SMA, HMB-45, and HMSA-1) 2-3

Radiographic features

  • tend to occur in the head and body of the pancreas
  • well-demarcated
  • hypoenhancing mass with a hypervascular capsule
  • may demonstrate hemorrhage or cystic degeneration
  • fat attenuation may be present

Signal characteristics include

  • T1: hypointense
  • T2: hyperintense
  • T1 C+: heterogeneous enhancement
  • T1 FS: macroscopic fat intensity may be present (saturates on a fat sat sequence)
  • nonspecific pancreatic mass
  • heterogeneous echogenicity
  • well-encapsulated

Treatment and prognosis

Given the rarity of the lesion, there is no standard treatment

Differential diagnosis

​A pancreatic PEComa should only be considered if a pancreatic mass is well-encapsulated, but since it is so rare, it should never be at the top of a differential. It's probably only reasonably suggested in a patient with tuberous sclerosis and a pancreatic mass.

Other similar pancreatic masses that should be considered before it are

  • -<p><strong>Pancreatic perivascular epithelioid cell tumours</strong> (or "<strong>Pancreatic PEComas</strong>") are a subtype of the larger family of <a href="/articles/perivascular-epithelioid-cell-tumours">PEComas</a>. Pancreatic PEComas are very rare with &lt;20 cases described.</p><h4>Clinical presentation</h4><p>More common in adults (in contrast to lymphangiomas in the head and neck, which are more common in children). Account for approximately 1% of abdominal lymphangiomas. More common in women</p><h4>Pathology</h4><p>As their name suggests, these tumours arise from perivascular epithelioid cells and occur due to a genetic alteration in the tuberous sclerosis gene complex. The PEComas are a group of tumours, including</p><ul>
  • +<p><strong>Pancreatic perivascular epithelioid cell tumours</strong> (or "<strong>Pancreatic PEComas</strong>") are a subtype of the larger family of <a href="/articles/perivascular-epithelioid-cell-tumours-pecomas-1">PEComas</a>. Pancreatic PEComas are very rare with &lt;20 cases described.</p><h4>Clinical presentation</h4><p>More common in adults (in contrast to lymphangiomas in the head and neck, which are more common in children). Account for approximately 1% of abdominal lymphangiomas. More common in women</p><h4>Pathology</h4><p>As their name suggests, these tumours arise from perivascular epithelioid cells and occur due to a genetic alteration in the tuberous sclerosis gene complex. The PEComas are a group of tumours, including</p><ul>

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