Citation, DOI, disclosures and article data
At the time the article was created Dayu Gai had no recorded disclosures.
View Dayu Gai's current disclosuresAt the time the article was last revised Fabio Macori had no recorded disclosures.
View Fabio Macori's current disclosuresThe precuneus is a part of the parietal lobe of the brain, lying on the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere. It plays a role in visuospatial imagery, episodic memory retrieval and self-processing operations 1.
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Gross anatomy
Posterior to the precuneus lies the cuneus, separated from it by the medial portion of the parieto-occipital sulcus 1,2.
Anteriorly lies the paracentral lobule, separated from it by the pars marginalis (ascending branch of the cingulate sulcus) 1,2.
Inferiorly is located the cingulate gyrus, separated from it by the subparietal sulcus 1,2.
Blood supply
While highly variable, the main arterial supply arises from the posterior cerebral artery, predominantly the P2 segment. The precuneus derives blood supply from the occipito-parietal artery, a terminal branch of the internal occipital artery.
Practical points
The parieto-occipital sulcus joins with the anterior end of the calcarine sulcus to form a 'lazy Y' configuration, sometimes referred to as the parieto-occipito-calcarine sign 2. The precuneus lies superior to the upper limb of the Y (parieto-occipital sulcus), whereas the cuneus lies in between the two limbs, and the lingual gyrus below the lower limb.
Clinical significance
Along with the posterior cingulate cortex and posterior temporoparietal areas, the precuneus is one of the key areas involved in Alzheimer disease. Characteristic hypometabolic patterns of FDG-PET maps involving precuneus and posterior cingulate gyrus (without occipital involvement) helps to distinguish Alzheimer disease from other kinds of dementia 3.
- 1. Cavanna A & Trimble M. The Precuneus: a Review of Its Functional Anatomy and Behavioural Correlates. Brain. 2006;129(Pt 3):564-83. doi:10.1093/brain/awl004
- 2. Thomas P. Naidich, Mauricio Castillo, Soonmee Cha et al. Imaging of the Brain, Expert Radiology Series,1. (2012-10-31) ISBN: 9781416050094
- 3. Schwarz A, Yu P, Miller B et al. Regional Profiles of the Candidate Tau PET Ligand18F-AV-1451 Recapitulate Key Features of Braak Histopathological Stages. Brain. 2016;139(5):1539-1550. doi:10.1093/brain/aww023
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cerebral hemisphere (telencephalon)
- cerebral lobes and gyri
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- parietal lobe
occipital lobe
- occipital pole
- lingual gyrus
- fusiform gyrus (Brodmann area 37)
- calcarine (visual) cortex
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cerebral sulci and fissures (A-Z)
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- cingulate sulcus
- collateral sulcus
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- inferior occipital sulcus
- inferior temporal sulcus
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- marginal sulcus
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- paracentral sulcus
- paraolfactory sulcus
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- postcentral sulcus
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- rostral sulcus
- subparietal sulcus
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- white matter tracts
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pituitary gland
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cerebral hemisphere (telencephalon)
- midbrain (mesencephalon)
- pons (part of metencephalon)
- medulla oblongata (myelencephalon)
- white matter
grey matter
- non-cranial nerve
cranial nerve nuclei
- oculomotor nucleus
- Edinger-Westphal nucleus
- trochlear nucleus
- motor nucleus of CN V
- mesencephalic nucleus of CN V
- main sensory nucleus of CN V
- spinal nucleus of CN V
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- vermis
- cerebellar hemisphere
- cerebellar peduncles
- cranial meninges (meninx primitiva)
- CSF spaces
cranial nerves (mnemonic)
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- optic nerve (CN II)
- oculomotor nerve (CN III)
- trochlear nerve (CN IV)
- trigeminal nerve (CN V) (mnemonic)
- abducens nerve (CN VI)
- facial nerve (CN VII) (segments mnemonic | branches mnemonic)
vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)
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- vagus nerve (CN X)
- spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
- hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
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- vascular territories
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- internal carotid artery (ICA) (segments)
- vertebral artery
normal variants
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- middle cerebral artery (MCA)
- posterior cerebral artery (PCA)
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- clival diploic veins
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- inferior petrosal sinus
- inferior sagittal sinus
- intercavernous sinus
- internal carotid artery venous plexus of Rektorzik
- jugular bulb
- marginal sinus
- occipital sinus
- sigmoid sinus
- sphenoparietal sinus
- straight sinus
- superior petrosal sinus
- superior sagittal sinus
- torcula herophili
- transverse sinus
cerebral veins
superficial veins of the brain
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- inferior cerebral veins
- superficial middle cerebral vein
- superior anastomotic vein (of Trolard)
- inferior anastomotic vein (of Labbe)
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deep veins of the brain
- great cerebral vein (of Galen)
- venous circle of Trolard
- normal variants
dural venous sinuses
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