Primary serous papillary carcinoma of the peritoneum

Last revised by Vincent Tatco on 27 Jul 2022

A primary serous papillary carcinoma of the peritoneum (PSPCP) is an extremely rare primary peritoneal tumor.

They usually present in postmenopausal women.

Patients tend to present with non-specific complaints such as abdominal pain, anorexia, and abdominal distention.

It is histologically identical to serous papillary carcinoma of the ovary 7. PSPCP is believed to originate from either peritoneal mesothelial cells with müllerian differentiation or nests of ovarian tissue remnants within the peritoneum

Serum CA-125 levels may be elevated 3-4.

While most features are nonspecific, CT features of diffuse peritoneal, omental and mesenterial involvement especially in middle-aged or elderly postmenopausal women with normal-size ovaries in the absence of an identifiable primary site in and conjunction with elevated level of serum CA-125 may suggest the possibility of PSPCP 6.

On imaging, a PSPCP can resemble that of peritoneal carcinomatosis 

Other considerations include


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