Subgaleal lipomas are benign adipose-containing tumours that occur between the periosteum and the galeal aponeurosis of the scalp.
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They comprise 2% of all lipomas. They are more common in middle-aged patients and have a male predilection
Clinical presentation
Subgaleal lipomas present as a slow-growing, painless, firm and immobile swelling overlying the frontal scalp.
Histology demonstrates mature adipocytes in a connective tissue stroma surrounded by the fibrous capsule, importantly they lack any cellular atypia or mitotic activity.
Radiographic features
Plain radiograph
- oval or lens-shaped soft tissue/fatty swelling
- smooth convex displacement of the galea aponeurosis
- oval or lens-shaped echogenic swelling
- no increased vascularity or cystic features
- located between periosteum and galea aponeurosis
- smooth convex displacement of the galea aponeurosis
- relatively flat base
- morphology and anatomical location as above
- fat attenuation
The morphology and anatomical location of the lesion is as above.
- T1: hyperintense
- STIR: suppressed signal
Differential diagnosis
General imaging differential considerations include:
Practical points
Ideally, the radiology report would comment on the:
- size, shape, and location of the lesion
- note any vascularity or cystic features