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Weerakkody Y, Yap J, Sharma R, et al. Synovial haemangioma. Reference article, (Accessed on 13 Mar 2025)
Synovial haemangiomas are rare benign vascular malformations that occur in relation to the joint. They are sometimes considered a subtype of soft tissue haemangiomas.
The lesions typically present in children and young adults.
Patients may have pain, swelling and/or limited joint mobility. Occasionally patients can have recurrent haemarthroses 8.
The lesions can be cavernous, capillary or mixed.
Most lesions tend to occur around the knee 1.
Plain radiograph
Plain film findings are generally non-specific and may be seen as a soft tissue mass adjacent to the knee. Accompanying phleboliths may be present.
Typically seen as a lobulated intra-articular mass (although the lesions can be either lobulated or diffuse).
Imaging differential considerations include:
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2. Barakat M, Hirehal K, Hopkins J, Gosal H. Synovial Hemangioma of the Knee. J Knee Surg. 2007;20(4):296-8. doi:10.1055/s-0030-1248062 - Pubmed
3. Sheldon P, Forrester D, Learch T. Imaging of Intraarticular Masses. Radiographics. 2005;25(1):105-19. doi:10.1148/rg.251045050 - Pubmed
3. Forrest J & Staple T. Synovial Hemangioma of the Knee. Demonstration by Arthrography and Arteriography. Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med. 1971;112(3):512-6. doi:10.2214/ajr.112.3.512 - Pubmed
5. De Filippo M, Rovani C, Sudberry J, Rossi F, Pogliacomi F, Zompatori M. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Comparison of Intra-Articular Cavernous Synovial Hemangioma and Cystic Synovial Hyperplasia of the Knee. Acta Radiol. 2006;47(6):581-4. doi:10.1080/02841850600767724 - Pubmed
6. Watanabe S, Takahashi T, Fujibuchi T et al. Synovial Hemangioma of the Knee Joint in a 3-Year-Old Girl. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2010;19(6):515-20. doi:10.1097/BPB.0b013e32833c31ad - Pubmed
7. Helpert C, Davies A, Evans N, Grimer R. Differential Diagnosis of Tumours and Tumour-Like Lesions of the Infrapatellar (Hoffa's) Fat Pad: Pictorial Review with an Emphasis on MR Imaging. Eur Radiol. 2004;14(12):2337-46. doi:10.1007/s00330-004-2491-1 - Pubmed
8. Carroll M & Higgs J. Synovial Haemangioma Presenting as a Recurrent Monoarticular Haemarthrosis. Arch Dis Child. 2007;92(7):623-4. doi:10.1136/adc.2006.114066 - Pubmed
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