Thoracic spine
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At the time the article was created Dinesh Palipana had no recorded disclosures.
View Dinesh Palipana's current disclosuresAt the time the article was last revised Craig Hacking had no recorded disclosures.
View Craig Hacking's current disclosures- T-spine
- T spine
- D spine
- D-spine
- Thoracic spines
- T spines
- T-spines
- D-spines
- Dorsal spines
- Dorsal spine
The thoracic spine (often shortened to T-spine) forms the middle part of the vertebral column. It extends from below C7 of the cervical spine to above L1 of the lumbar spine. There are 12 thoracic vertebra, termed T1-T12.
The thoracic spine is unique due to its articulation with ribs via costal facets. The ribs restrict the movement of the thoracic spine somewhat. The thoracic spine is otherwise the most mobile of all spinal column segments.
For a basic description of the anatomy of typical vertebrae, see vertebrae.
In medical English, some doctors and texts refer to the dorsal spine, D-spine and D1-D12, however, we discourage this usage on Radiopaedia preferring thoracic spine, T-spine and T1-T12. This is consistent with Terminologia Anatomica, which solely employs the thoracic designator to refer to this part of the spine. However, in French-speaking parts of the world, D1-D12 are commonly used interchangeably with T1-T12 2.
Gross anatomy
Most thoracic vertebrae have similar features with the exception of some atypical ones. Relative to cervical and lumbar vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae have:
- medium-sized, heart shaped vertebral bodies
- medium-sized round vertebral canals
- prominent transverse processes with costal facets
- long spinous processes angulating downwards
For more detailed information, see typical thoracic vertebrae.
- 1. FRCS CSS. Last's Anatomy. Churchill Livingstone. (2011) ISBN:0702033952. Read it at Google Books - Find it at Amazon
- 2. Ann Wiles. 2016. Ann's Acronyms: T versus D. . Caduceus [accessed 10 March 2020].
Incoming Links
- Interspinales muscles
- Thoracic spine protocol (MRI)
- Spinal anatomy
- Vertebra
- Intertransverse ligaments
- Oblique fissure
- Intervertebral joint
- Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
- Spinal cord abscess
- Thoracic spine (AP view)
- Scheuermann disease
- Langerhans cell histiocytosis (skeletal manifestations)
- Trauma CT thorax review areas (mnemonic)
- Thoracic spine series
- Thoracolumbar spine fracture
- Thoracic spine (lateral view)
- Mediastinum (ITMIG classification)
- Hemiazygos vein
- Words we never use
- Thorax
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- ligaments
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- splenius capitis muscle
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- transversospinalis group
- quadratus lumborum muscle
suboccipital muscle group
- spinal meninges and spaces
spinal cord
- gross anatomy
white matter tracts (white matter)
- corticospinal tract
- anterolateral columns
- lateral columns
dorsal columns
- fasiculus gracilis (column of Goll)
- fasiculus cuneatus (column of Burdach)
- grey matter
- nerve root
- central canal
- functional anatomy
- spinal cord blood supply
- sympathetic chain
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- Kugel's artery
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- diagonal branches (D1, D2, etc)
- septal perforators (S1, S2, etc)
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- conus artery
- sinoatrial nodal artery
- acute marginal branches (AM1, AM2, etc)
- inferior interventricular artery (PDA)
- posterior left ventricular artery (PLV)
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coronary veins
cardiac veins which drain into the coronary sinus
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- innervation of the thorax