Professional hockey player complaining of increasing right hip pain during exercise. Elevation and internal rotation of the hip was painfully limited.
Patient Data

Fig. 1: AP radiograph of the right hip showing a bump (arrow) at the anterosuperior head-neck junction with atypical lateral extension of the epiphyseal line. Also note the presence of an os acetabuli.
Fig. 2: Oblique radiograph of the right hip. The deformity at the head-neck-junction (arrow) is rotated outward.
AP and oblique radiographs showed joint space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis and small osteophytes at the femoral head and acetabulum.

MR arthrography (coronal T1-GRE fatsat) showing contrast medium within a small longitudinal tear of the acetabular labrum and slight irregularities of the chondral surface in the anterosuperior joint socket. Radial MPR of the 3D arthrographic sequence along the anterosuperior head-neck junction with an elevated alpha angle (angle of Nötzli was 63°) indicating femoroacetabular cam impingement.
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