Testicular abscess and pyocele

Case contributed by Chris Newman
Diagnosis certain


Red, hot, swollen left hemiscrotum. Fevers. ? epididymo-orchitis

Patient Data

Age: 35 years
Gender: Male
  • hyperemic left testis and epididymis relative to the right
  • the left scrotal cord is markedly echogenic
  • heterogenous left testicular echotexture 
  • complex multiseptated collection within the left hemiscrotum
  • small hypoechoic and avascular lesion within the left testis upper pole measuring approximately 1 cm

Case Discussion

Severe left epididymo-orchitis complicated by left testicular abscess and complex pyocele within the left hemiscrotum.

The patient was treated with a prolonged course of antibiotics following surgical drainage of the pyocele. The testicular abscess improved on subsequent ultrasounds.

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