C/o headache
Patient Data

Fairly large soft tissue SOL is seen within the right nasal cavity, which is situated at fovea ethmoidalis, reaching upto the right side of cribriform plate, causing widening and destruction of right cribriform plate with fairly large extra axial extension of the SOL into the anterior skull base, displacing right basi-frontal lobe. The lesion appears heterogeneously hyper intense signal seen on the T2W, FLAIR and STIR images, which turns hypointense seen on T1W images. On post contrast scan the nasal component of SOL shows intense homogenous enhancement, however intra cranial SOL shows heterogeneous peripheral enhancement with central non-enhancing necrotic / cystic components. The nasal portion of the SOL measures 4.0 (AP) x 2.4 (TR) x 2.9 (SI) cm, however intracranial portion measures 3.1 (SI) x 3.1 (TR) x 4.0 (AP) cm. The intracranial component causes splaying of both the frontal lobes.
These represents olfactory neuroblastoma.