C/o scapular region swelling - 5 -6 yrs. Some increase in size for last 6 - 8 mths. No pain at rest. Some kind of discomfort while sleeping.
Patient Data
Age: about 50 yrs
Gender: Male
From the case:
Liposarcoma - on ultrasound


A lesion pointed by patient is somewhat elliptical well-defined lesion in subcutaneous plane. It abutts muscle. No calcification/ cystic changes are noted.
Centrally lesion is hyperechoic and peripherally hypoechoic.
Few flow signals are noted.
Case Discussion
Central echogenisity is due to fat. But no linear strands seen.
But peripheral hypoechogenesity is worrisome.
Surgical excision done.
Histopathology - Epithelioid variant of pleomorphic Liposarcoma.