Complaints of pain in the neck and dysphagia
Patient Data
Note: This case has been tagged as "legacy" as it no longer meets image preparation and/or other case publication guidelines.

Lateral view of neck shows a narrowing at the C3-C4 level with thickening of the soft tissue in front of the cervical column (pre-vertebral soft tissue) containing foci of air (Pott's disease).
Excess bone density in the occipital bone.

Ultrasound image shows the presence of heterogeneous area in the front of cervical vertebra containing hyper echoic areas indicating the presence of gas,with no blood flow on color doppler
Narrowing at the C3-C4 level with retropharyngeal abcess containing foci of air
Case Discussion
Pott disease is a spondylodiscitis of the spine due to tuberculosis. The cervical spine is a less common site for this disease.