Backpain and left sided claudication and radiculopathy. No history of malignancy.
Patient Data

The entirety of the spine is infiltrated with metastatic disease.
Several vertebra such as T12 have extension into the posterior elements, but no cord compression.
Small volume cervical disc osteophyte complexes and lumbar disc disease causing an element of canal stenosis at L4/L5.
Pathological para-aortic and pelvic lymphadenopathy.
Infiltrative bone disease in the visualized pelvis.
Case Discussion
The appearances are those of diffuse bony metastatic disease.
The presence of pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenopathy raised the suspicion of a pelvis primary tumor.
CT of the abdomen and pelvis and transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy of the prostate were undertaken.
Histology demonstrated adenocarcinoma of the prostate.