Non-tender lump on palmar radial aspect of the right wrist for last 3 months. No history of trauma.
Patient Data

At the site of clinically visible lump, there is a well-defined lesion with a thin capsule and posterior acoustic enhancement measuring about 15 x 14 x 10 mm. Lesion abuts skin as well as flexure carpi radialis tendon. There is no obvious extension into a joint. The lesion shows hypoechoic echopattern without calcification/vascularity. The lesion is partly compressible. There is no flexure tenosynovitis/joint effusion. A patent radial artery is deep and on the radial side to the lesion.
Case Discussion
A young female with a dorsal wrist lump was referred for an ultrasound. Clinical diagnosis was a ganglion cyst. Ultrasound showed an encapsulated, hypoechoic, avascular lesion. Surgery revealed a ganglion cyst with thick avascular material within. Histopathology confirmed the clinical and surgical diagnosis.