Tubal ectopic pregnancy (MRI)

Case contributed by Dalia Ibrahim
Diagnosis certain


Acute left pelvic pain. Vaginal ultrasound revealed left adenxal heterogeneous mass ? neoplastic ?

Patient Data

Age: 20 years
Gender: Female
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Left adenxal (fallobian tube likely ampullary) intraluminal well defined hemorrhagic lesion with rim of sac like peripheral cystic component (representing gestational sac). The lesion shows clear cleavage planes with uterus and ipsilateral left ovary.

Mild pelvic ascites.

Annotated image

Left adenxal (fallobian tube ampullary) intraluminal well defined hemorrhagic lesion with rim of fluid signal (gestational sac) (Red arrow). The lesion shows clear cleavage planes with uterus (star) and ipsilateral left ovary (Yellow chevron).

Case Discussion

MRI findings were impressive of unruptured left tubal ectopic pregnancy. Upon further questioning, the patient mentioned that she had irregular vaginal bleeding during the past few days. Serum β-hCG was elevated (60 mIU/ml). Her Ob/Gyn physician recommended conservative treatment by methotrexate with a subsequent serial reduction in her serum β-hCG levels. She had an uncomplicated recovery.

Ectopic pregnancy is one of the most common first trimester complications and one of the most frequent causes of presentation of patients with acute abdominal pain to emergency departments. It should be suspected with patients presenting with pelvic pain.

In the emergency setting, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be utilized as the first diagnostic method.1

MRI can detect ectopic pregnancy more accurately than CT. Findings include hematosalpinx, ascites with hematic content, and presence of adnexal mass/hematoma, as well as identification of a gestational sac in the adnexal region, with clear cleavage planes with the uterus and ipsilateral ovary. 1

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