Scaphoid non-union advanced collapse (SNAC wrist)

Case contributed by Samir Benoudina
Diagnosis certain


Known case of old pseudarthorsis of scaphoid. Pain increasing these last weeks.

Patient Data

Age: 55
Gender: Male

Frontal view:

  • Osteoarthritis affecting the radial styloid and the scaphoid, with narrowing of the radioscaphoid joint space and associated subchondral sclerosis and cyst formation.
  • Osteoarthritis with narowwing of the lunocapitate joint space (Snac stage III), due to proximal migration of the capitate.
  • Ulnar translation of lunate.

Lateral view:

  • Dorsal tilt of the lunate with increased scapholunate angle.

Features consistent with SNAC wrist stage III, with DISI.



Frontal view:

  • Yellow arrows: Radial styloid and scaphoid OA
  • Black arrow: narrowing of the lunocapitate joint space, due to proximal migration of the capitate.
  • Red arrow: Ulnar translation of lunate.

Lateral view:

  • Dorsal tilt of the lunate with increased scapholunate angle


Case Discussion

Scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse (SNAC) and scapholunate advanced collapse (SLAC) are the two most common patterns of posttraumatic wrist arthritis.

SNAC wrist is due to a non-united scaphoid fracture.

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