Right wrist swelling on the palmar ulnar aspect for the last few days. No trauma
Patient Data

There is a well-defined, thin-walled, lobulated anechoic lesion in the region of interest. There is the presence of acoustic enhancement. There is no calcification or vascularity in the lesion wall. The lesion is located just proximal to the ulnar tunnel, lying deep to the flexor carpi ulnaris, ulnar artery, and ulnar nerve. It abuts the distal end of the ulna. Its neck shows a possible extension between the distal end of the ulna and adjacent carpal bone. The lesion measures about 15 x 10 x 7 mm. The ulnar artery and nerve are elevated by the lesion. The ulnar artery shows normal intima and normal flow. The ulnar nerve is mildly compressed by the lesion. However, there is no edema in the proximal nerve segment. There is no joint effusion.
Case Discussion
The case shows a palmar wrist ganglion cyst; proximal to the ulnar tunnel. Although the lesion causes mild ulnar nerve compression where was no clinical signs of ulnar neuropathy.