Extensor carpi ulnaris tendinosis

Case contributed by Bahman Rasuli
Diagnosis certain


Right wrist pain on the ulnar side since 2 months ago.

Patient Data

Age: 35 years
Gender: Female
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Axial PD
fat sat
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PD fat sat
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Coronal PD
fat sat
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Abnormal intrasubstance increased fluid signal and focal thickening is present along with extensor carpi ulnar tendon (ECU) at the level of the wrist ulnar styloid and triangular fibrocartilage complex related to tendinosis.

Edema is s seen around the ECU tendon sheath.

A small synovial cyst is present at the dorsal aspect of the wrist and deep to the common extensor tendon.

Case Discussion

Young female presented with the non-traumatic onset of right wrist pain on the ulnar aspect. MRI findings suggest extensor carpi ulnaris tendinosis with surrounding edematous changes of the tendon sheath.

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