Multiple blood blister-like supraclinoid internal carotid artery aneurysms
Diagnosis probable
Prior operation due to left parieto-occipital GBM, received radio-chemotherapy. Follow-up.
Patient Data
Age: 60 years
Gender: Female


- Multiple 3-5 mm broad based outpouchings of both supraclinoid internal carotid arteries best appreciated on TOF MRA.
- Status post prior left parietal resection with resultant gliosis, and rim like susceptibility artifacts due to blood products. Small foci of spontanously T1 hypointensity and diffusion restriction are also in line with recent prior operation.
Case Discussion
Blood blister-like supraclinoid ICA aneurysms are hard to appreciate without TOF due to high signal on postcontrast imaging e.g. in the adjacent cavernous sinus. This patient had multiple prior MRIs, but this was the first exam where TOF MRA was also acquired.