Pregnant lady in the third trimester, presented to the emergency department with severe right lower abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.
Patient Data

Gravid uterus with a single fetus.
The appendix is a dilated fluid filled with a thickened wall at the right abdomen measuring about 14 mm at maximum diameter suggesting appendicitis with intraluminal T2 signal void filling defects, the largest about 10 mm suggesting appendicoliths. Periappendiceal fat stranding with few enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes.
Mild right hydroureteronephrosis.
Case Discussion
Acute appendicitis is the most common non-obstetric surgical emergency during pregnancy. Diagnosing and managing appendicitis in pregnant patients can be challenging due to physiological and anatomical changes during pregnancy, as well as the need to consider fetal safety.
The clinical data and radiological features in our case highly suggest acute appendicitis with appendicoliths which was confirmed by laparoscopic appendectomy.