Referred for USG with complaint of menstrual irregularity.
Patient Data
Age: 45 years
Gender: Female
From the case:
Adrenal myelolipoma


Right supra-renal predominantly echogenic lesion is noted. It displaces the liver capsule upwards. There is a small peripheral hypoechoic area in the cranial part of the lesion.
Liver shows generalized increased echogenicity. Right kidney, left kidney, and spleen are normal.
Case Discussion
Differential for an echogenic lesion in the suprarenal area includes:
- adrenal myelolipoma
- renal angiomyolipoma
- retroperitoneal teratoma
- lipoma
- liposarcoma
CT is needed to ascertain an adrenal origin of the lesion which was done (not uploaded) and confirmed the ultrasound diagnosis.