COVID-19 pneumonia

Case contributed by Roma Patel
Diagnosis certain


PC: Dyspnea and fever. BG: Asthma, Cerebral palsy. Clinically high risk on admission

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Female

Initial X-ray


Patchy areas of air space opacification bilaterally with a lower zone predominance.

Appropriately positioned right central venous catheter, endotracheal and nasogastric tubes.


After 2 days on ICU


Radiological progression with widespread bilateral opacification across all zones. No pleural effusions. 

Case Discussion

This is a high-risk young patient. Radiological findings of COVID-19 confirmed with positive RT-PCR analysis. Pleural effusions are atypical in COVID-19 pneumonias. No indication for CT in this patient.

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